Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sports and Leisure - 1070 Words

Sports and Leisure Comparison Spain and Cuba have many sports and leisure activities available. The sports include several water activities and even the games of baseball and football. The leisure activities may include time unwinding with the help of listening to music, dancing, eating, and drinking. Each activity, regardless of the country, has cultural importance as well as entertainment value. Sports and Leisure Activities in Spain There are a large variety of sports and leisure activities enjoyed in Spain. Many water sports are enjoyed from Spring into Fall due to the agreeable weather. Boating, water skiing, sailing, and sunbathing are the most enjoyed activities due to the many beaches of Spain during these months. Other sports†¦show more content†¦In Cuba, fishing, diving, water skiing, and baseball are the most common activities that people prefer to participate within for some fun events. While some participate in fishing, there are people who go diving and water skiing to past time with family and friends. Some Cubans even make money while fishing and playing baseball. Baseball is an event that Cubans played for centuries and even started to participate in the events with America. Cuba hosts many baseball games throughout the year because it is an important sport in Cuba (Cuba-culture, 2014). The difference in this activities is that fishing, diving, and water skiing are relaxing and playing bas eball is just to have fun competing against others teams. Espaà ±a y Cuba han cultivado una gran variedad de deportes y actividades de ocio que reflejan la cultura y la esencia de su tierra natal . Espaà ±a , al igual que Estados Unidos, tiene el fà ºtbol con gran admiracià ³n . No es raro que los espaà ±oles para preparar a sus hijos a una edad temprana en la preparacià ³n para una carrera en el fà ºtbol . El espaà ±ol tambià ©n tratar a la caza y la tauromaquia como un deporte honorable, con campos y estadios en todo el paà ­s dedicada a las actividades. Tapas, o en el bar , los saltos es la actividad de ocio de la opcià ³n para la mayorà ­a de Espaà ±a . Esta actividad consiste en ir a una gran variedad de bares y discotecas en un à ¡rea para bailar y beber . El tiempo de ocio tambià ©n se componeShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Sports On Sports And Leisure Activities1178 Words   |  5 Pagesbackgrounds from participating in sports and leisure activities. Economically, some sports are just completely unviable to people from certain backgrounds. Sports such as Polo are completely exclusive to a certain class of people, due to the mass expenses required to get you started. Inner city families, some of whom may have a member of the household unemployed would never be able to foot the cost of the bills to play Polo. 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