Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Realistic Approach to Regional Security in Israel

Abstract Israel has complex security concerns that include both Palestinian and Syrian concerns. The roots of the problem are complex and vast. To deal with these, this essay, therefore, focused on the prime challenges, as well as obstacles to resolving them. This essay then propounded a list of five policies that can be grafted in order to endeavor to craft a solution in each of these areas. It is recommended too that America actively involve herself since, by so doing, America is simultaneously working towards ameliorating her own terrorist concerns. The essay is only a rough draft for security in the area. It needs to be worked on, and more needs to be done in order to ensure a lasting peace. Outline A Realistic Approach to Regional Security in Israel Why the USA should care 2. Substantive Issues to be Resolved 2.1 Israel-Palestine a. Territory b. Security c. Jerusalem d. Refugees 2.2. Israel-Syria a. Territory b. Water c. Security d. Iran-Lebanon-Hamas. Obstacles to successful negotiations Mutual distrust Weak governments and disunity in Israel West Bank-Gaza/Fatah-Hamas split. External negative influence Three Key Objectives Five Proposed Policies Conclusion: Addressing Israels security challenges. Israeli Security Concerns Introduction A Realistic Approach to Regional Security in Israel Restoring security to the Land of Israel (not that it ever had) is an issue that is so complex, and partisan, complicated as it is withShow MoreRelatedThe Rise And Fall Of The Oslo Accords Essay1505 Words   |  7 PagesArticle Review: The Rise and Fall of the Oslo Accords According to an apocryphal story, Pope John Paul once said that he believes there are two possible solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the realistic and the miraculous. The realistic being divine intervention, and the miraculous being a voluntary agreement by both parties. 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